Friday, 6 November 2009

Stop Smoking Cigarettes

Other than trying to impress other fourteen year olds (assuming that you yourself are fourteen), there is no upside to smoking. And if you do no fit in that tight demographic, then it is time for you to stop smoking cigarettes. You are hurting yourself, your relationships, your productivity, and your wallet.

Nobody wins when you smoke, least of all you. No tobacco products are good, but all the extra chemicals that you find in cigarettes make them so much worse.

Smoking is a dangerous, filthy, and expensive habit. No one needs to tell you that. Ever seen a photo of a lung after years of smoking abuse? Ever dealt with the shortness of breath that is stinky to begin with? Giving it up may appear beyond your willpower. But there are lifelong smokers who stopped and then added years to their lives. How do they do it? First they make a commitment to ending the addiction. But that may not be enough.

Most likely, you will also need some help along the way. Quitting smoking is difficult enough, do not make it harder. There are both support groups and effective products that will help you to stop smoking cigarettes.

There is no shortage of methods to stop smoking cigarettes. You can also try the addiction therapy or a support group. You can also try one of many products available, including nicotine gum or patches. This will satisfy your love of nicotine without the harmful gasses that would fill your lungs. With time, you can wean yourself off these.

The latest product is the smokeless cigarette. This keeps the smoking sensation and the nicotine, but also gets rid of the noxious fumes. Not recommended except in extreme circumstance is a switch to an alternative smoking product, like cigars.

With all these products available, clearly someone wants you to stop. Maybe it's a parent, a spouse, a child, a grandchild. Maybe it's a friend who wants to see you grow old. Yes you picked up an addictive habit, but it is never too late to turn it around. Your health depends on it.

Don't sneak off and smoke, that's for teenagers. What are you, a rebel??!!! All the cool people are in the gyms, working on their aerobic capacity. You don't want to be left out. You want to be as cool as ever. Stop smoking cigarettes now. Don't let tobacco control your life.

Please Stop Smoking Cigarettes!

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