Sunday 7 February 2010

How to Stop Smoking Once and For All - Here is the Best Way to Stop Smoking!

Every year two and a half million people in the world are sacrificed for the sake of smoking. Every 13 seconds, 1 person dies because of this unhealthy habit. The harmful effects of smoking on health are well known.

Serious diseases caused by this habit are:

  • Bronchitis
  • Lung cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Ulcers
  • Heart attacks
  • Various forms of cancer

Other harmful effects on the human body are:

  • Decrease of intellectual ability
  • Reduced elasticity of the skin
  • Reduction of the sense of smell
  • Reduction of the sense taste
  • Yellowing of teeth

This addiction is also a common cause of blindness. The sooner someone begins to smoke and the more cigarettes he smokes, the greater the risk to destroy his vision. Nicotine affects the fertility of men, because it changes the DNA and reduces sperm count. In women it reduces the chances of conception by 40%, while those women who continue to smoke during pregnancy are 3 times more likely to give birth to underweight infants.

Moreover, recent studies have shown that smoking causes serious memory loss. The surveys demonstrated that smokers have up to 20% less brain function! The accelerating loss of memory observed in smokers may be due to the high pressure caused by smoking. The increase in pressure alters blood flow to the brain. This may contribute to a reduced supply of nutrients which can cause long-term memory problems. Although, most smokers are well aware of all these harmful side effects, the problem is that very few actually quit.

Why does this happen?

Nicotine is a powerful drug and stop using it can cause intense withdrawal symptoms. Stop using nicotine when you are addicted to it, can lead to depression, irritation, insomnia and lack of focus. Most people give up and start to smoke again to get rid of all this discomfort.

So, what can be done?

If you truly want to get rid of this addiction, you must reprogram your brain. Even though the logical part of the brain (the conscious mind) understands that this is a harmful habit that needs to be stopped, the unconscious mind has a different opinion. After smoking thousands or hundreds of thousands of cigarettes in your life, this habitual action is so deeply rooted in your subconscious that quitting is next to impossible. The trick is to convince your subconscious mind that you no longer want to smoke and that it's a completely unnecessary and disgusting habit. And one of the most effective ways to communicate with your subconscious is through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In an experiment, five thousand smokers went through a short NLP session. After 6 months 97.2% of them had managed to abstain from smoking.

Now you need to pay close attention -

If you want to STOP SMOKING, here is the #1 method you can use... Click Here!

Thursday 26 November 2009

Why Smoke Cigarettes? 3 Reasons Why People Smoke and Why They Are False

It almost seems common knowledge today that smoking is bad for you. Why smoke cigarettes then? What benefit could there be to smoking? Even though most smokers know the risk of their habit they may have formed their own reasons to continue smoking.

Make no mistake that smoking is bad and negatively impacts every area of a smoker's life from their health to their finances. Once again, smokers know this but may have come to certain conclusions to justify continuing to smoke.

Many of these reasons are not true and may cause them to continue smoking unnecessarily. Listed below are three of the main reasons that people continue to smoke and why they are not true.

Smoking Relaxes Me

Many people continue smoking because they feel smoking relaxes them. This is just not true. As a matter of fact nicotine is a stimulant and raises blood pressure. Any relaxation the smoker feels when they light up is temporary and is only because they are giving their body the nicotine is craves, which leads us to reason number two.

I am Addicted to Nicotine

A lot of smokers excuse themselves from trying to quit smoking because they believe they are just too addicted to nicotine to quit. The truth of the matter that the only thing that feeds the addiction to nicotine is smoking that next cigarette. The physical addiction to nicotine passes with less than a week of quitting smoking. By this time all the nicotine has passed out of the smoker's system.

It is Too Hard to Quit Smoking

Many people feel it is just too hard to quit smoking. Maybe they have tried to quit in the past and failed and feel they just do not have the "will power" to quit. Look at it this way, every day thousands of people quit smoking. They are in no way stronger or possess more will power than anyone else. There are so many different methods to help smokers kick their habit. Methods like NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming give smokers an incredibly great chance of quitting smoking in their first, or next, attempt.

Everyone knows smoking is bad for them so why smoke? Cigarettes destroy your health, your looks, and your finances. Do not fall into the trap of justifying your habit. There are no good reasons to smoke. Quitting smoking is the best decision you will make in your lifetime. Find the help you need and quit smoking, you deserve it.

Are you ready to quit smoking? Why smoke cigarettes any longer when there is a technique available that will give you a 97.2% chance of being smoke-free. The technique is called NLP and thousands of people have easily quit smoking using this revolutionary technique.

Learn more about how NLP can easily help you become an ex-smoker at

Sunday 22 November 2009

Reasons to Quit Smoking - Why You Are Endangering Your Life and That of Your Loved Ones

As a smoker, you are at an increased risk to contract a number of diseases and infections. Most cancers, for instance, are either caused or largely contributed to by tobacco smoke and the carcinogens in it; and a lot of other diseases easily follow suit. If you were to stop smoking today, your risk of contracting those diseases significantly reduces. For a fact, the longer you stay off of the substance, the better your chances of not catching any of these diseases.

Think about it for a moment; you aren't the only one at increased risk of disease because of your bad habit. Everybody around you who has to breathe in the air that you have contaminated is also at risk of the very same diseases that are likely to kill you if you continue smoking. People with asthmas too can suddenly lapse into attacks in your environment because cigarette smoke is a known irritant; the same way that a lot of diseases are complicated by it. If you hope to keep your loved ones alive, you will do yourself a favor and stop smoking already.

Expectant mothers who smoke can cause birth defects in their babies, and often increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in their newborn. If you need an excuse to break the habit, there is no better time than when you are pregnant. By the time you give birth to the child, you should be safe enough from the addiction to be able to do without nicotine.

Thankfully, all around you, there are a lot of smoking cessation programs that you can try your hand on, one after the other, until you are finally cigarette free; it only makes sense that you employ them to save your life and that of your loved ones.

For -->> Cigarette Herbal Stop Smoking or even ->> BEST Quit Smoking Ways, click these links to read top SECRET tips now!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Benefits of Giving Up Smoking - Do You Know the Best Reasons For Quitting?

One the best things any smoker can do for themselves and those they care about is to stop smoking. I want to mention a few benefits of giving up smoking here in the hopes that it will help you to finally free yourself from your cigarette addiction. The more reasons you have for giving up cigarettes, the more likely you'll be to succeed.

Health reasons are usually the first thoughts that come to mind when someone considers why they are going to stop smoking.Of course you know that your health will improve if you stop smoking. Smoking causes 90% of lung cancers and most chronic lung disease. But lung cancer isn't the worst of it. Lung cancer is a relatively quick (although painful) death. Chronic lung disease is a slow, debilitating painful death. If you're struggling to catch your breath just walking across the room, it's pretty hard to enjoy anything in life. As of lung disease progresses, life becomes more and more limited. Some smokers reached the point where they have to carry oxygen with them everywhere they go. At this stage, life pretty miserable

There is no safe level of smoking. You can't smoke without damaging your lungs. Some smokers claim that the lungs are fine. In a word, baloney. No matter what their level of function is, it would be better if they didn't smoke. The stories of "old Uncle Henry who smoked like a chimney and was never sick a day in his life" probably aren't true. Even if they were, it's a rare exception not the rule.

Your mental state will improve after you quit smoking. Showing the degree of commitment it takes to give up smoking will definitely increase your confidence and sense of pride. Many former smoker's report that the experience of quitting smoking gave them confidence that they could do anything else they set their mind to.

Smoking is hugely expensive so your finances will also benefit when you quit smoking. The cost of cigarettes has gotten to the point where many smokers spend a good portion of their budget on cigarettes. It seems ironic to spend so much money to injure yourself. Think about all the better things you could do with that money when quit smoking once and for all. Most smokers could easily fund their retirement accounts or take a fancy vacation every year with what they spend on cigarettes. Some smokers could even do both.

You aren't the only one you'll be helping when you quit smoking. The benefits of your quitting smoking extend to those you love. Secondhand smoke injures those you live with physically. Watching you commit slow suicide with cigarettes wounds them emotionally.

I wish I could tell you that it's simple and easy to stop smoking. Unfortunately I can't. But quitting certainly isn't impossible and I can tell you that you can succeed at giving up smoking with the combination of commitment and some of the stop smoking techniques available today. With the right help it might be easier than you expect.

A place to start becoming smoke-free is: Quitting Smoking Benefits.

You should also know about a program that has a 90% success rate in helping people give up cigarettes without experiencing major cravings. You can read about it at: Quit Smoking Review

When Giving Up Smoking Choose a Method That Will Stop Smoking Cravings

When giving up smoking there are a lot of different ways you can go about it. You can decide to go it alone, or go "cold turkey" or you can choose any number of stop smoking aids to help you quit smoking. Some techniques are more successful than others but one stands out above all the others.

Let's first rule out going cold turkey if you are serious about quitting smoking. Those that choose this method to stop smoking only have a 5% chance of being successful. Those odds are not very high. If you really want to break the smoking habit you are better off choosing some method to help you increase your chances of being successful.

Most of the options available to you address the physical addiction to nicotine. Nicotine replacement therapies like the patch, or stop smoking prescription medications help to break the body's addiction to nicotine. They can increase your chances of quitting smoking but still do not give you a better than 50% chance to quit smoking.

The reason is that they do nothing to address the real reason why most people are not successful at quitting smoking. Most smokers who try to quit end up lighting up again because of the mental cravings they feel to smoke.

Cigarettes are a very big part of your life. As a smoker most everything you do or feel you associate with having a cigarette. Once you give up smoking you will find yourself in situations, or feeling emotions like stress, anger, or even happiness that will make you want to smoke.

You need to break the emotional attachment you feel for smoking. This attachment leads to strong cravings to smoke when you encounter situations or emotions you associate with smoking.

There is a technique that is designed to address the cravings and emotional attachment smokers feel for cigarettes. It is called Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short. It is an extremely successful technique to quit smoking because of the fact that it targets and removes the mental cravings to smoke. A recent test showed NLP had a 97.2% success rate.

NLP is a therapy technique somewhat like hypnotherapy in that it addresses the subconscious urges to smoke. But unlike hypnotherapy you do not need to see a professional to stop smoking. NLP benefits can be gained by listening to an NLP audio recording in your own home. Many people quit smoking after just one listen.

When giving up smoking you may also like the fact that NLP is a natural product. If you choose NLP to help you quit smoking you will not have to deal with the cost or side effects of prescription medications.

When giving up smoking do you really want to try methods that do not address the cravings to smoke that make most people fail at quitting smoking; especially when there is a proven method that is 97.2% successful because it kills the cravings to smoke and it could have you smoke free in less than an hour?

Find out how to eliminate the cravings to smoke and easily stop smoking with NLP at

Friday 13 November 2009

Reasons to Stop Smoking

Most people know that smoking is bad for them but many don't really understand just how bad it is. They know there are health risks but they push them to the back of their minds. If you are a smoker thinking, "well you've got to die of something haven't you" or "it won't happen to me" then you really should consider the facts and reasons to stop smoking.

A regular smoker is likely to have their life expectancy reduced by up to ten years. Do you really want to lose ten years of your life when you don't have to? Coupled with this is the likely prospect that the latter few years of your life if you are a regular smoker are likely to be of poor quality due to some heart or lung disease that could have been avoided.

The adverse effects on one's health through smoking are manifest in the lungs, the blood circulatory system and the heart. In the lungs the constant irritation of inhaled smoke causes damage leading to reduced lung capacity and bronchitis. The lining of the airways tends to lose its cilia, the little hair-like protuberances which help to clear them of mucous and contaminants so that infection in the lungs becomes more likely. Older people who are regular smokers are more likely to succumb to a bout of flu and a secondary infection because of damaged lungs.

The effect of nicotine on the blood vessels is to constrict them, and, since the small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart, are all ready narrow and may have been further narrowed by a build up of plaque (atherosclerosis) which is very common, the last thing you need is further narrowing and restriction of blood flow. Such further restriction can easily lead to arterial blockage and a heart attack.

These serious health risks should be enough in themselves to persuade you to give up smoking but if you are young you may dismiss all this as being too far into the future for you to worry about. If you not heed the advice and give up now though, you will surely regret it in the future.

If you need good reasons to stop smoking right now then there are both social and financial reasons that can affect you right now. Financially you can be surprisingly better off if you don't buy cigarettes. Most smokers, like most drinkers, seriously underestimate the amount of money they spend on the habit. If you put aside the money you would have spent and save it for two to three months, you could have a sizeable sum - enough to buy a new bike or an Armani suit probably! Your lifestyle would have improved as, not only will you be feeing more fit and healthy but you will have more money in your pocket.

Smoking is generally becoming less and less socially acceptable. It is now banned in many public places including even pubs, once the safe haven for the inveterate smoker. You will not find ash trays in restaurants so much these days, let alone the workplace. You will feel like an outcast if you have to excuse yourself from a social gathering to nip out the back for a quick cigarette.

The anti-social aspect of smoking is heightened by the now recognised threat of passive smoking. People just don't want to near smokers, especially in confined spaces and this has to be respected.

A smoker on a date should be aware of the possible consequences of bad breath or stained fingers from smoking. Along with hair and fingernails these are things that women tend to notice.

There are then, very good reasons to stop smoking. Quitting now will save you money, make you more socially successful and allow you to live longer. You know the reasons to quit- you must now make the decision to quit.

To learn more Reasons to Stop Smoking visit

Wednesday 11 November 2009

So What is an Easy Way to Stop Smoking?

No matter how long you have been smoking, you can always quit when your mindset is ready. Is cold turkey the best answer? Maybe. How about cutting back little by little? Possibly. The truth is there are many ways to quit, but most of them are either short-term solutions or they just don't work. If you want to know an easy way to stop smoking, we're going to share a few different options with you today.

*Put Your Mind to It!

Even though each person's road to a smoke-free life will be different, everyone who looks for an easy way to stop smoking must have the right mindset before getting started. If you feel that this is going to be a struggle, you will definitely want to take a route other than cold turkey. It's not a big stop smoking tip, but it can definitely help.

*Find Distractions

We understand there will be obstacles along the way, but if you want an easy way to stop smoking you will need some distractions. Whether it's trying to replace your cigarette with a straw or pen, trying to do something else every time you have a craving, or even drinking water when you need a smoke, they are all considered helpful distractions. Then of course you have things like exercise, music, movies, and even just go somewhere that doesn't allow you to smoke. Nowadays when you head out to a restaurant in most states, you aren't allowed to light up, which makes it an easy way to quit smoking. Well, even just for that period of time anyways.

*Gum, Prescriptions, Sprays

While there are some places that believe gum, prescriptions and sprays can be an easy way to stop smoking it's simply not the case. Yes there have been successful stories, but no one ever really talks about the side effects. The truth is most of these types of potential remedies end up failing. In fact, we've come across several friends and co-workers who have even smoked while using these treatment methods. This of course is not healthy.

So What Is the Easy Way to Stop Smoking? In the end it really depends on you. It's important to understand that after your body is used to the nicotine being in the system, it's hard to replace. The best smoking tip we can give you is that every situation is different. However, over the years people have come up with a stop smoking tip for just about everyone.

If you're tired of hearing that the easy way to stop smoking is something we listed above, then we highly recommend taking a different route. One that will make you think outside the box and start building the right path towards the easy way to quit smoking.